Zild's Alalahanin Official Video Gives Us Senti Feels

I am a fan of IV of Spades. They captured my attention when I watched their performance via YouTube on Wish FM performing their hit song Mundo. I remember that the song was really a monster hit as my students used to sing it especially the beginning of the chorus as they long prolonging the word "aking". When we attended Division School Press Conference, the participants sang it loudly when the song was played while waiting for the results of the competition.  From that time, I followed them. I like their music. When they released their album CLAPCLAPCLAP!, I keep pressing the replay button on YouTube for their songs "My Juliana", "Captivated", and my favorite song in the album "Come Inside My Heart". 

I was sad reading the announcement of the band on their Facebook page dated August 21 to take a break as they pursue their personal interests. Music is essential to survive boredom as quarantine is still imposed. It keeps me sane. Good thing that Zild released his album "Homework Machine" last July 30. Last June, while scrolling my YouTube app, I was surprised when I saw his song "Sinungaling". Zild really poured his heart out in the music video. The lyrics are striking. After watching it, I was thinking if he is going to pursue a solo career ('wag naman sana). Good to know that he does not leave the band and he is just doing his craft.

There is a plan to write a blog post about his album, but my busy schedule did not permit me to do it early. The next school year is really tough that I need to attend capacity building for me to be equipped in teaching in the new normal. There are lots of things to do. Thank God that I am still breathing. I wish that I could update this blog everyday, but I think there will be few posts in the upcoming weeks. Enough of myself. Let us go back to business.

Zild's Habulan is my instant favorite. I love the video- game inspired music video. The last three lines hit me so hard. I was updating my education blog at five in the afternoon when I went to YouTube to listen for a song while writing when I saw that Alalahanin official video sets to premiere today at 6 PM. I pressed the set reminder. I was excited to watch it. However, I was 22 minutes late. I received a notification on my phone telling that the video premiered. I am forgetful. This is the nth missing premiere videos on YouTube. 

Anyway, the official video is animated. It is a story of a young man with his rose. The protagonist, who has floral and leaves hair, travel a rose planted in a clay pot with his cat. The animated clip gives me The Little Prince vibes. As you go through the video, you need to answer the question: "What are you going to do to protect the rose from losing its petals". The video also relatable as everyone become plantitos/ plantitas. 

I love the animation. I am cat lover that made me easily fall in love with the art. I had my black cat before and this video made me miss my pet. The ending of the story gives us hope. Checking out the lyrics, it is about the promise of a child to his parent to take care him until he (parent) gets old. It also shows the selfless love of parent of his child. In the pandemic that we are experiencing today, our plans turned unfulfilled. We feel disappointed as things became uncontrollable. We are in our houses staying in order no to get infected. Despite the problems brought by COVID-19, we have things for us to be grateful including the presence of our parents. In this time we feel isolated, they are in our side caring for us and even willing to sacrifice outside our homes just to sustain our needs. We need to treasure the times together with them because we do not know what the future may bring. 

Thank you, Zild for showcasing your artistry during the lockdown. 

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  1. This is awesome. Animation is really extraordinary for it signifies various theme. Thanks for sharing this to us. Am gonna follow and watch IV of Spades too. YEY!!!
