The Fruits of My Labor as a Teacher

We are celebrating Labor Day in our country today. Shoutout to all fellow workers especially to our frontliners who sacrifice their lives for us. As an adult, I see now the value of honoring the people who play key roles in building the nation. This pandemic game me realizations of how beautiful each of us have various jobs. When I was a child, I asked myself, "Why not all people have the same job?" God is really amazing as we are created differently and in difference there is purpose. He made us to take different tasks to benefit people. 

As it is holiday and it is Saturday, I decided to spend this holiday to give myself a rest and do the things I love such as blogging. Teaching for the past months is challenging. This pandemic drastically changed everything. Watching news is not healthy anymore for my mind. Working nowadays is not easy. There are times I want to call it quits, but I always think that hundreds of children are depending on me to help them learn despite the inadequacies in gadgets, poor Internet connection, and limited budget for cellphone load. I want to share here the fruits of my labor here on my personal blog. Actually, I have my blog intended for stuff about education, about my profession. But, I decided to write my entry here as I considered teaching as life and it affects my personal life. 

I have been teaching for five years in public school. I have witnessed three on-site graduation ceremonies and one virtual program. I am happy that I am part of learners' progress. Teaching is not an easy job. I feel hurt every time some people look down at us like we are just "teachers". There are those who say that if you are not good, take education course. It is degrading remark, but being a teacher is not lying on a bed of roses. You need to spend sleepless nights to pass all the exams and tasks in the undergraduate. You need to take the licensure examination and pass it. You need to gain teaching experience and attend to trainings. If you are going to apply for a public high school position, you need to undergo the rigorous procedure. You need to compete with thousands of applicants to get an item. When you enter the system, you need to be a proficient teacher based on the latest professionalism standards for teachers. Let me repeat, STANDARDS. We need to meet the demands in order to cater quality education to all our learners. 

I need to do my best, I need to be at my best every time I face my students. As an English teacher, I need to demonstrate the use of the language. I handle also research subject, so I need to be analytical and critical about it. And, I am teaching technology and media subjects that require to keep abreast on the latest breakthroughs and to be knowledgeable in using gadgets. 

Now I am facing this time of distance learning and I can say it is one of the major highlights of my career. Why? Everything has changed. Our students are studying at home. From teaching chalkboard, we shifted to modules and use of online social platforms particularly Messenger. I was like I am back to zero. But, it is expected from a teacher to be flexible. I learned how to implement modular distance learning. It also expected from a teacher to be resourceful. I learned different applications and software to create materials. And, yes I put up my YouTube channel for education last year. I was skeptical that time as I am not fond of looking in front of the camera or hear my voice which I find unpleasant. But, for my learners, I can overcome my shyness. So far, I have uploaded 11 full- length videos on my channel. Please subscribe to my channel I named as Carliculum, a word play of my name, Carl and curriculum. 

Since Day 1 of distance learning, I became busier. There was a big adjustment, and I am glad that I am surviving. There are times I feel time down like when my learners are not passing their outputs on time and when they passed outputs they copied from other classmates or far from the Internet. I address these problems by chatting them or by talking to the parents. 

Teaching requires patience. I need to understand that not all children have same development. And, waiting for the results of their success could be a long- term process. Sometimes, I reflect if what I am doing really benefit them. And, I am glad to tell here that I received two compliments from my past and present students. 

One student who is now on her third year of studies in college is grateful that she learned something from my research class and she uses her learning in her research. I was ecstatic about it. I keep on telling my learners to love research even it is a difficult subject. My effort of teaching them the process has paid off. I messaged her good luck and enjoy the process. 

Meanwhile, one of my current students appreciated my videos. She was able to put up her free website. I was energized reading her message at the same time I am of proud of what she is doing to help others and for herself. 

Reading messages are stress relievers. They are like vitamins making you to be strong and do more. Simple thank you and words of appreciation can really make an impact. So, when you have the chance to talk with doctors, nurses, food workers and other workers working for our essential needs, say thank you to them. To your father and mother who are working for your family, tell how proud you are. To all my fellows, may this day be wonderful for you. 

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