Under the Spell of Enchanted Cave Resort

I posted here on my blog about our visitation in Camp Puor in Bolinao, Pangasinan last Saturday of the month of May. We continued our escapade at Enchanted Cave Resort located in the same municipality. From Lubigan Cabuyao, we took a 15- minute trip going to Patar where the said resort is found. 

These big letters, which are made of cement and painted white, comprising the name of the resort and treehouse catch the attention of the visitors once you enter the premises. The entrance fee is 150 pesos per head, but if you are going to swim in their underground and outdoor pools, you have to shell out 200 pesos. 

I had no plans to swim, but my friends are really good in persuading me. I have heard from other people about the majestic cave reservoir years ago and they say plunging there is one of a kind experience. It would be a missed opportunity if I decline the group's invitation. What's the use of my extra clothes and blue body towel I urgently bought in our town before leaving for our outing if they just enclosed in my bag. I said yes and our squad was slated to bathe at 12:30 PM. The staff at the booth asked us to leave one identification card which will be used to call us. 

We unloaded the car and brought ice box, containers of food, and our backpacks and walked away the parking area and get inside the resort. We are asked by the gatekeeper to wear the blue paper wrist tag bearing the name of the establishment. It remained intact when we swam. It is everlasting than a relationship, one of my friends jested. 

There are tour guides explaining what can be enjoyed in the resort and the location of the cottages. When you started to stroll there, you will get marveled with the rock formation around the area. The hammocks tied to trees are like magnets pulling you to relax. 

Our group rented a cottage for four hundred pesos. There are other cottages that can be used ranging 200 to 600 pesos. If ever you did not bring something to eat, you can purchase there. If you have fish or meat to grill, the place has a grilling area where you can cook. 

It was 11:30 in the morning and we decided to eat our lunch before accomplishing our main agenda. We had KKB setup. My friends served crabs, grilled pork, seashells, and maja blanca. I was in- charge in bringing beverage. Eating with your friends in a peaceful area is #SquadGoals. 

The time for us to go underground came and we were excited. The way to the natural pool is just few steps away from our cottage. However, we were instructed to follow the path as part of the management's operations. We took the cemented stairs and reached the life vests and hard hats station. We were instructed to utilize the equipment properly for our safety. No one carried a phone to document our way to the resort's prized attraction. We carefully walked below the ground because of the rocks. My legs were like noodles as I stepped on each stair. My friends asked me if I am okay. I said that I need to be careful and I admitted that stairs make my heart beat fast. We finally reached it. The place is not totally dark. Thanks for the sunlight beaming through the passage and the installed artificial light. There is like a receiving area where a staff is present to watch over the tourists and their belongings. We left our footwear and other stuff and we tested the water. 

The water is cold. The challenge bathing here is you cannot land your feet when you leave the stairs submerged in the water. This makes some of my friends rattled. I was not nervous that time as I have experience swimming in deep sea with lifejacket. The difference in that activity is that it was first time plunging in freshwater. I and my other friends had to swim back and forth to convince our frightened friends to try to go farther. I was asked by my friends if I know how to swim as they saw me moving in the water. I knew some swimming techniques, but I cannot state that I am a pro. We assisted them when they are holding a rope also placed in the water. After ten minutes of negotiation, we were all in the water cooling ourselves. 

That experience was peculiar and enthralling. I felt recharged. The tiredness my body feels after weeks of busyness was like absorbed by the water. It was euphoric and unforgettable. Our time was up and went outside the cave. We asked if we can swim for the second time and the staff told us that we can but after all the batches are done. After a few minutes, a staff said that we can go back at 1:50 in the afternoon. However, I did not join my friends as I need to attend an online workshop at 2 PM. I am thankful as my friends understand my situation. I took a shower and prepared myself for my online activity. While I was waiting for the event to commence, I went to the bonsai garden and took photos of  the petite plants. There are also structures erected there where you can take selfies. I went back to our cottage while my squad had their repeat in the cave. I asked one of them to use her photos to show their second time going to the pool. 

Photo by Celine Perez

Photo by Celine Perez

Photo by Celine Perez

Photo by Celine Perez

Attending an online writing workshop while I was in the resort is perfect. After an hour, my squad came back in our area. I was a multitasker as I joined them to the outdoor swimming pool. I want to see what that part has to offer to its visitors. The pool has 5- feet and 7- feet portions. Along side are the lounge chairs where you can recline or put your stuff. After taking shots of my friends enjoying the pool, I left them and walked in the area. My knees and feet had the taste of adrenaline rush as I wandered the eco- friendly site. My headset was on my ears, listening to the speaker, while looking at plants thriving in the area. I got lost on track and I had to walk again in the entrance and crossed the way back to the cottage. 

At 4 PM, we decided to tread the Way to the Cross but we worried as it was cloudy and the rain was like to happen. Thank God that there was no rain. As we trod, we noticed that there are Bible verses painted on concrete. We reached the cross. It has stairs which are arranged in spiral manner. A staff who holds the key opened the way for my friends to go to the higher part of the cross. I did not join them as I am afraid of heights. I asked them to bring my phone and took pictures for me. Based on what they captured in my camera phone, the view is breathtaking. When you are standing there, you can see the vast sea of Bolinao. 

While they are in the elevated area, I grabbed the opportunity to talk to the staff. I said that the Way to the Cross is a perfect destination during the Lenten season. He affirmed it as thousands of people go to there for the Holy Week. He also narrated how the resort was hit by the pandemic. He was glad that travelling has ease of restrictions and they are visited anew. 

We were the last set of visitors to leave the area. We thanked the staff for accommodating us. As our car left the resort, the spell of the resort lingers and what we experienced in the place are indeed memorable. If you are looking for a place where you can take a break, get enchanted by the Enchanted Cave.

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